D Bm A G [Verse 1] D I have seen your faithfulness Bm You never break your promises A G D You are good, always good my Jesus D In the tension of the night Bm Speak Your word, my guiding light A G D I will trust, I will trust You Jesus [Chorus 1] D I praise Your name Bm In every moment I will choose to sing A G With all I am, with every breath I take D I praise Your name [Verse 2] D There’s always grace for a broken heart Bm You’re my strength when the day gets hard A G D Be my hope, You’re my hope King Jesus [Chorus 2] D I praise Your name Bm In every moment I will choose to sing A G With all I am, with every breath I take D I praise Your name D I praise Your name Bm You are the giver of every good thing A G With all I am with every breath I take D I praise Your name [Bridge] D Dsus D In the good and the bad times D Dsus D In the shadow, in the sunlight G It’s my joy for my whole life D Dsus D To praise Your name D Dsus D In the good and the bad times D Dsus D In the shadow, in the sunlight G It’s my joy for my whole life D Dsus D To praise Your name ---E C#m B A [Verse 1] E I have seen your faithfulness C#m You never break your promises B A E You are good, always good my Jesus E In the tension of the night C#m Speak Your word, my guiding light B A E I will trust, I will trust You Jesus [Chorus 1] E I praise Your name C#m In every moment I will choose to sing B A With all I am, with every breath I take E I praise Your name [Verse 2] E There’s always grace for a broken heart C#m You’re my strength when the day gets hard B A E Be my hope, You’re my hope King Jesus [Chorus 2] E I praise Your name C#m In every moment I will choose to sing B A With all I am, with every breath I take E I praise Your name E I praise Your name C#m You are the giver of every good thing B A With all I am with every breath I take E I praise Your name [Bridge] E Esus E In the good and the bad times E Esus E In the shadow, in the sunlight A It’s my joy for my whole life E Esus E To praise Your name E Esus E In the good and the bad times E Esus E In the shadow, in the sunlight A It’s my joy for my whole life E Esus E To praise Your name
---G Em D C [Verse 1] G I have seen your faithfulness Em You never break your promises D C G You are good, always good my Jesus G In the tension of the night Em Speak Your word, my guiding light D C G I will trust, I will trust You Jesus [Chorus 1] G I praise Your name Em In every moment I will choose to sing D C With all I am, with every breath I take G I praise Your name [Verse 2] G There’s always grace for a broken heart Em You’re my strength when the day gets hard D C G Be my hope, You’re my hope King Jesus [Chorus 2] G I praise Your name Em In every moment I will choose to sing D C With all I am, with every breath I take G I praise Your name G I praise Your name Em You are the giver of every good thing D C With all I am with every breath I take G I praise Your name [Bridge] G Gsus G In the good and the bad times G Gsus G In the shadow, in the sunlight C It’s my joy for my whole life G Gsus G To praise Your name G Gsus G In the good and the bad times G Gsus G In the shadow, in the sunlight C It’s my joy for my whole life G Gsus G To praise Your name
---A F#m E D [Verse 1] A I have seen your faithfulness F#m You never break your promises E D A You are good, always good my Jesus A In the tension of the night F#m Speak Your word, my guiding light E D A I will trust, I will trust You Jesus [Chorus 1] A I praise Your name F#m In every moment I will choose to sing E D With all I am, with every breath I take A I praise Your name [Verse 2] A There’s always grace for a broken heart F#m You’re my strength when the day gets hard E D A Be my hope, You’re my hope King Jesus [Chorus 2] A I praise Your name F#m In every moment I will choose to sing E D With all I am, with every breath I take A I praise Your name A I praise Your name F#m You are the giver of every good thing E D With all I am with every breath I take A I praise Your name [Bridge] A Asus A In the good and the bad times A Asus A In the shadow, in the sunlight D It’s my joy for my whole life A Asus A To praise Your name A Asus A In the good and the bad times A Asus A In the shadow, in the sunlight D It’s my joy for my whole life A Asus A To praise Your name
---C Am G F [Verse 1] C I have seen your faithfulness Am You never break your promises G F C You are good, always good my Jesus C In the tension of the night Am Speak Your word, my guiding light G F C I will trust, I will trust You Jesus [Chorus 1] C I praise Your name Am In every moment I will choose to sing G F With all I am, with every breath I take C I praise Your name [Verse 2] C There’s always grace for a broken heart Am You’re my strength when the day gets hard G F C Be my hope, You’re my hope King Jesus [Chorus 2] C I praise Your name Am In every moment I will choose to sing G F With all I am, with every breath I take C I praise Your name C I praise Your name Am You are the giver of every good thing G F With all I am with every breath I take C I praise Your name [Bridge] C Csus C In the good and the bad times C Csus C In the shadow, in the sunlight F It’s my joy for my whole life C Csus C To praise Your name C Csus C In the good and the bad times C Csus C In the shadow, in the sunlight F It’s my joy for my whole life C Csus C To praise Your name
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