Wednesday, March 21, 2012

sing to the lord

Verse 1

A                      E
Righteous ruler of the heavens
Bm            F#
Holy holy are God
A                     E
Sovereign lord of all creations
Bm            F#
Holy holy are God


D               A
Every tribe and tongue
D                  E
Lift your voice as one
D                   E
He is greatly to be praised

            A          E
Sing to the lord oh my soul
        F#               E
Let the heaven shout for joy
A            E    F#           E
Great is our God, Great is our God

verse 2

A                    E
Nations come and bow before Him
Bm            F#
Holy holy are God
A                    E
Angels sing thy word forever
Bm            F#
Holy holy are God

Back to ** [preChorus]


   A              D                 E           D
The heaven shall declares, the glory of our great God. 3X
A                  E         Bm            F#
Jesus, come let us adore Him…Holy Holy are God

Key: D

Verse 1

D                      A
Righteous Ruler of the heavens
Em            Bm
Holy holy our God
D                     A
Sovereign Lord of all creations
Em            Bm
Holy holy our God


G               D
Every tribe and tongue
G                  A
Lift their voice as one
G                   A
You are greatly to be praised

            D          A
Sing to the Lord oh my soul
        Bm               A
Let the heavens shout for joy
D            A    Bm           A
Great is our God, Great is our God

verse 2

D                    A
Nations come and bow before You
Em            Bm
Holy holy our God
D                    A
Angels sing Thy Word forever
Em            Bm
Holy holy our God

Back to ** [preChorus]


   D              G                 A           G
The heavens shall declares, the glory of our great God. 3X
D                  A         Em            Bm
Jesus, come let us adore You… Holy Holy our God.

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